1. What is a public policy?
Public policies are actions taken by authorities (central or local) in response to problems that come from society. In other words, public policy is when a public, central or local authority proposes, with the help of a coordinated action program, to modify the economic, social and cultural environment of the social actors. At national level, public policies can emerge from any of the major state institutions (Parliament, President, Government, central or local authorities).
2. What is the process of developing a public policy?
The process of developing public policy is characterized by the fact that it represents, on the one hand, an analytical process (solving a problem) and, on the other hand, a political process. Public Policies consists of a set of measures, actions, regulations designed and implemented to address issues of citizens' interest. These are usually formulated and then implemented by executive authorities at the local or central level. In Romania the formalization of public policy-making was initiated by the Government Center (the General Secretariat of the Government).
3. What does the public policy process involve?
The public policy process consists of three phases:
4. What are the stages of public policy making?
In general, the public policy process or the public policy cycle includes six steps:
1. Problem identification - occurs when an event, a person, a group manage to draw attention to a problem, for resolution, through public power intervention;
2. Establishment of the public policy agenda - is the stage in which the identified issue is taken into account by the officials (public and political power). Not all of the problems identified reach the political agenda;
3. The formulation of the public policy framework - when a particular problem gets to be considered by the officials does not automatically mean that a public policy will be created. Someone (a certain authority) must develop a program to address the problem;
4. Adopting a public policy - the necessary efforts for a program to be adopted as a government program;
5. Implementing a public policy - is a critical stage in achieving public policy. Here the role of the administration is decisive;
6. Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies - aims to determine the effectiveness of a public policy. It examines how the various activities have led to the achievement of the goals originally proposed.
1. Problem identification - occurs when an event, a person, a group manage to draw attention to a problem, for resolution, through public power intervention;
2. Establishment of the public policy agenda - is the stage in which the identified issue is taken into account by the officials (public and political power). Not all of the problems identified reach the political agenda;
3. The formulation of the public policy framework - when a particular problem gets to be considered by the officials does not automatically mean that a public policy will be created. Someone (a certain authority) must develop a program to address the problem;
4. Adopting a public policy - the necessary efforts for a program to be adopted as a government program;
5. Implementing a public policy - is a critical stage in achieving public policy. Here the role of the administration is decisive;
6. Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies - aims to determine the effectiveness of a public policy. It examines how the various activities have led to the achievement of the goals originally proposed.
5.What are the authorities involved in formulating public policies?
• Parliament - represents the legislative forum;
• The Legislative Council - a specific structure of the Parliament that provides legislative drafts to systematize, unify and coordinate the entire legislation and officially update the Romanian legislation;
• Cabinet of the Prime Minister;
• The General Secretariat of the Government (SGG) - structure within the Government, which has the responsibility to ensure the development of the technical operations involved in the governance process and to solve the organizational, legal, economic and technical problems of the governmental activity. SGG has authority to observe the procedures related to the preparation, drafting, filing and presentation of legislative drafts submitted to the Government, as well as procedures for the acceptance of these projects through its specialized structure, the Public Policy Directorate. The functioning of these institutions / structures is determined by specific normative acts that also contain a statement on the policy formulation process in Romania.
• Public policy units (UPPs) at the level of ministries - structures without legal personality established at the level of ministries and other specialized bodies of the central public administration that initiate draft normative acts by order of the head of the institution.
• Permanent Interministerial Councils - which ensure the coherence of the substantiation and implementation of government policies in the field.
6. What are the documents governing public policies in Romania?
Public policy documents:
• H.G. no. 775/2005 - procedures for the elaboration, monitoring and evaluation of public policies
• H.G. no. 870/2006 - strategy in the field of public policies (2006 - 2010)
• Law no. 24/2000 with modifications - norms of legislative technique
• H.G. no. 1361/2006 - the content of the explanatory memorandum and the explanatory notes
Procedures for elaboration, presentation and adoption of public policy documents and normative acts:
• H.G. no. 1226/2007
7. What is the public policy unit?
Public Policy Unit / SGG
Prime Minister's Decision no.258 / 06.11.2003
• Strengthening the management capacity of the Government regarding the substantiation, elaboration, implementation and evaluation of public policies;
• developing a mechanism for coordinating the process of public policy development and implementation;
• Communicating and coordinating more efficiently in the public policy formulation process
8.What are the main types of public policy documents?
• strategy, • plan, • public policy proposal (further - PPP).
9.What is the structure of a Public Policy?
• Problem formulation,
• General Objectives / Specific Objectives,
• Variants of solution,
• The consultation process,
• Recommended solution,
• Public Policy Action Plan.
10.Who can participate in the perception survey?
The survey is addressed to all creative artists and actors (including professionals in visual arts, musicians, singers and composers, dancers and choreographers, film and theater directors and producers, theater and other performers, actors, radio, television and other means of communication professionals, other creative artists and actors) and, on the other hand, all representatives of private or public or pro-profit or non-profit organizations / entities involved in cultural and recreational activities.
11.What is the legislative mix targeted by the Project and the perception survey?
The legislative mix that we consider in this project is the following:
• Law 8/1996 on copyright;
• Law 8/2006 on the pensions of persons involved in creative activities;
• Tax Code (especially the provisions on payment of social and health insurance);
• Related legislation on self-employment (OUG 44/2008);
• Regulated professions (Law 200/2004);
• Education Law (Law 1/2011).