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Specialized meetings

Guests: artists, cultural managers, NGO representatives

The Alternative Cultureprjoect, initiated by the Flower Power Cultural Association, selected for funding under the POCA 2014-2020, co-funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund, aims to strengthen the capacity of NGOs and relevant cultural actors to initiate, promote, implement and to monitor public policies adapted to the current cultural context in Romania in order to improve and synchronize it with the European and international cultural environment and to formulate an alternative public policy proposal regarding the professional status of the artist in Romania.


In October 2018 , specialized meetings are scheduled to identify the needs specific to each sub-domain of culture: visual arts, performing arts (theater, music and dance) and heritage.. The current needs of artists and the effect of the legislative mix on the current condition will be addressed to jointly formulate proposals to improve the legislative framework. The cities in which these meetings will take place are: Timișoara, Târgu Mureș, Cluj,  IașiBucharest and Curtea de Argeș.

We invite creators and artists to an applied discussion, considering that the purpose of the project and meeting is to define a professional status that takes into account the contemporary social context and issues of the artist.


The themes we want to be touched upon are: The official status of the artist. Required? May? How is the Slovakian model defining the artist perceived? Is it a definition that covers all variants of situations where an artist can be found? Copyright / related rights. How is the artist currently positioned in this financial mechanism? Freedom of expression in art is a custom, or is it necessary to be insured by law? Right to health. Are there specific medical needs (occupational diseases) that need to be considered by a professional charter? Tax deductions desired (or not) by subdomain (starting point in the German model). The informative materials we refer to will be electronically transmitted to each participant and will be part of the printed worksheet.

We invite you to sign up for free to attend specialized phone meetings:
0722 731 393 (Adriana Zaharia) or by completing the form below.

First name *


Surname *


Email *




Organization | Institution | Independent


Select the location of the meeting you want to attend


  • Text Hover
Location: Timișoara
Embassy – Casa Plai, Str. Anton Seiller, Nr. 2
Date: 1 Octobre
Hour: 12:00 PM
Areas: Theatre, Dance, Music

We invite you to sign up for free to join the meeting.


0722 731 393

  • Text Hover
Location: Târgu Mureș
Theater 3G, Str. Avram Iancu, nr. 2
Date: 4 Octombrie
Hour: 12:00 PM
Areas: Theatre, Dance, Music

We invite you to sign up for free to join the meeting.


0722 731 393

  • Text Hover
Location: Cluj
Creator and experimental reactor, Str. Petöfi Sándor, Nr. 4
Date: 8 October
Hour: 12:00 PM
Areas: Theatre, Dance, Music

We invite you to sign up for free to join the meeting.


0722 731 393

  • Text Hover
Location: Iași
National University of Arts „George Enescu” Iași, Str. Cuza-Vodă, Nr. 29
Date: 11 October
Hour: 12:00 PM
Area: Heritage

We invite you to sign up for free to join the meeting.


0722 731 393

  • Text Hover
Location: București
Casa Filipescu Cesianu - Bucharest Museum, mansard, Calea Victoriei, Nr. 151
Date: 21 October
Hour: 12:00 PM

We invite you to sign up for free to join the meeting.


0722 731 393

  • Text Hover
Location: Curtea de Argeș
Center of Culture and Arts “George Topîrceanu”, Bulevardul Basarabilor, nr. 59
Date: 30 October
Hour: 17:00

We invite you to sign up for free to join the meeting.


0722 731 393

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