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The alternative public policy proposal „Strengthening the social status of the artist, author, creator in Romania”, formulated within the project "Alternative Culture" does not represent the official position of the Flower Power Cultural Association, the European Union or the funding authority - the Operational Program Administrative Capacity, being one of the results of the project "Alternative Culture" and the activities planned and carried out within it.

La finalul proiectului, în perioada octombrie 2018, Propunerea de Politică Publică a fost depusă la registratura următoarelor instituții publice: Ministerul Culturii, Ministerul Educației, Ministerul Muncii, Ministerul finanțelor, Ministerul Sănătății, etc


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The Romanian Cultural Foundation is launched, that which will become the Romanian Cultural Institute in 2013.

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The signing of the Joint Statement on "The Statute of Art Creators and Performers in Romania" is taking place.

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The Ministry of Culture proposes organizing a Platform for Dialogue with Civil Society, under the name of the "Living Culture" Platform.

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The ACFP carries out the project "Alternative Culture", in which it proposes a public policy on the Statute of the Artist in Romania.

Description of the project


This project aims to consolidate the ability of NGOs and other relevant actors in the cultural sector to initiate, promote, implement and watch public policies adapted to the current cultural context of Romania synchronized with the European and international cultural environment.


Developing awareness tools for artists to assume their status. The tools will be mainly available online and will have concrete objectives: labor market status, tax obligations, ongoing training, sources of funding, etc.


Nevoia proiectului se bazează pe lipsa unui Statut al Artistului în România, în ciuda existenței unei combinații de ordine și legi care fac referire la elemente ale acestuia.
Îmbunatățirea statutului socio-profesional și a condiției creatorului este o prioritate a Strategiei pentru Cultura și Patrimoniu Național.

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The Flower Power Cultural Association (ACFP) was set up in 2013 to provide the legal framework for the development of some of the projects proposed by young artists. Part of the Association's activity is dedicated to non-formal, extra-curricular educational activities and the support of the involvement of professional artists in the education of young generations, through the arts. Another direction is the organization of cultural events - exhibitions, concerts, book launches, shows, representing all beautiful arts (painting, theater, music, etc.).

The purpose of the FLOWER POWER Cultural Association is to promote non-formal and extra-curricular education, culture and cultural activities as well as European citizenship and democracy at local, national, European and international level. The association is authorized by National Agency of Labour Resources for information and counseling services and by The National Agency for Qualifications, for conducting Communication Courses.

The association is authorized by National Agency of Labour Resources for information and counseling services and by The National Agency for Qualifications, for conducting Communication Courses.






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