A new beginning: Andrei Plesu is the Minister of Culture, Andrei Şerban is the director of the National Theater of Bucharest, Horia Bernea, director of the Romanian Peasant Museum. The UNITER - Theatrical Union of Romania, initiator and main organizer of the National Theater Festival and of the UNITER Gala, is set up. The Romanian Cultural Foundation, which was later- established (2003) by the Romanian Cultural Institute, was first founded.
The National Association of Librarians and Public Libraries in Romania (ANBPR) functions as an apolitical, non-governmental and non-profit juridical person, on the base of the Statute approved in the General Assembly of 19 March 1990, modified by the General Assembly Decision of 28 May 1992, the Extraordinary General Assembly September 25, 1998, and the General Assembly of 30 October 2008, continuing the tradition of the Association of Librarians, founded in 1990.
The Romanian Publishers Association (AER) was founded in 1991 and is the main professional association of book publishers in Romania, bringing together editors from all areas of cultural interest. The Romanian Publishers Association aims to promote the reading of quality books and writing, to facilitate readers access to books from a material and informational point of view, thus contributing to the free circulation of ideas as well as to the integration of Romanian culture and language into the world value chain. The Romanian Publishers' Association is under the brand of the Federation of Publishers in Romania, a member of the Federation of European Publishers (FEP).
The National Audiovisual Council (CNA), an independent public authority charged with defending the public interest in the field of audiovisual programs (radio, television), is set up. The CNA is subordinated to the Romanian Parliament, to which it presents an annual report and appoints the 11 members of the board on 6-year mandates. Its mission, as defined in Law no. 48/1992, was conceived and determined by the emergence and development of a free audiovisual market. The need for a new legislative framework resulted in the adoption of the Audiovisual Law no. 504/2002.
The Association of Professional Writers in Romania (ASPRO) was founded in 1993 at the initiative of Romanian writers (especially from the 1980s, but not only), under the leadership of Mircea Nedelciu and the critic and historian Ion Bogdan Lefter as a alternative to the only form of association of writers in Romania at that time (Romanian Writers Union - USR). The Association of Professional Writers in Romania (ASPRO) was founded in 1993 at the initiative of Romanian writers (especially from the 1980s, but not only), under the leadership of Mircea Nedelciu and the critic and historian Ion Bogdan Lefter as a alternative to the only form of association of writers in Romania at that time (Romanian Writers Union - USR).
The competition between USR and ASPRO has been tightened since 1995. The USR asserted its rights under the Statute as successor to the Romanian Writers' Society, registering on March 31, 1995, in the register of legal persons from Bucharest Sector 1 Court. On May 31st, ASPRO filed an application for self-interest with the same court but was rejected. On April 7, the Governing Council called on members of the organization to opt until April 30 between USR, ASPRO, Costache Negri or other guild organizations, but then took no action against those enrolled in two competing institutions. Between USR and ASPRO other court appearances were also held (July 27, 1995, July 3, 1996). Formal legal conclusions have reinforced the clause in the US Statute, after which each writer has the right to choose his writer's guild, but without the ASPRO adherence to the "economic interests of the Union".
The Union of Publishers in Romania (UER) is established in 1994 under the name of the Pedagogical Publishing House Association. It brings together important Romanian publishers who produce and market a school and university book, Romanian and universal literature, a book for children, works for the educational and cultural horizon, a teaching book addressed to all ages. The Union was made known to the general public, particularly through the quality assurance of school textbooks, but also as the National Section of the International Council of Children's and Youth's Book (IBBY). Within the ERU, the "Proedit" National Center is working to train staff in the editorial and adiacent areas.
This year the National Alliance of Creators' Unions (ANUC) is set up, an NGO created with the aim of facilitating the dialogue between professional artists and decision-makers and from the administration, at national and international level, between their own forms of association and between them and structures. internationally similar.
ANUC contributes to the formulation and amendments to the law on cultural stamp (Law 35/1994), the law on social assistance for professional artists, the law on copyright and neighboring rights (Law 8/1996) and the establishment of the National Cultural Fund (Government Ordinance 277/1999).
The bodies for the collective management of copyright and related rights are constituted as legal entities made through the free association, their main object of activity being the collection and distribution of the rights. The management of the rights is entrusted to them by the holders. These entities are constituted under the law, with the approval of the Romanian Copyright Office and operate according to the regulations regarding the associations without patrimonial purpose and according to the provisions of Law no. 8/1996. (Articles 124 and 125 of Law No. 8/1996, as amended and supplemented)
• The Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights, as subsequently amended and supplemented appears
The Romanian Office for Copyright (ORDA) has the mission of promoting the protection and effective use of copyright and related rights in Romania. It is a specialized body of the central public administration, subordinated to the Government, with legal personality, being a unique regulatory authority, records through national registers, supervision, authorization, arbitration and technical-scientific finding in the field of copyright and related rights. The Office is methodologically coordinated by the Minister of Culture, and the financing of the current and capital expenditures of the Office is provided entirely and distinctly from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture, the coordinating minister being the principal authorizing officer of credits. (H.G. no. 401/2006, art. 1, corroborated with art. 137 of Law no. 8/1996, with the subsequent amendments and completions)
• Cable retransmission: Rights holders have distinct and exclusive patrimony rights to authorize or prohibit the use by cable retransmission of their works or related rights products. (Article 13 Letter h), Art. 98 par. (1) lit. i), art. 105 para. (1) letter h) and art. 1063 par. (1) lit. h) of Law no. 8/1996, as amended and supplemented)
• Reproduction on phonograms and on videograms: the right holders have the right to authorize or prohibit the use of their works through reproduction (art. 13 letter a), art. 98 paragraph (1) lit. b) - g1), art. 105 paragraph (1) lit. a), art. 1063 paragraph (1) lit. a) and art. 1232 para. (1) lit. a) of Law no. 8/1996, as amended and supplemented).
By reproduction, it is understood to realize, in whole or in part, one or more copies of a work, directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently, by any means and in any form, including any sound or audiovisual recording of a work, such as and its permanent or temporary storage by electronic means (art. 14 of Law no. 8/1996, as subsequently amended and supplemented)
During the time that Ion Caramitru was the Minister of Culture, an Advisory Council within the Ministry of Culture was set up to conduct regular consultations with cultural operators and external experts to the Ministry for the formulation of public policies in the field of culture.
COPYRO: By the decision of the General Manager of ORDA( National Authority for the Copyrights) no. 8 / 01.06.1997, the Literary Fund operating under Decree no. 31/1954 was designated as a collective copyright management body with the main task of collecting compensatory remuneration for the private copies . Subsequently, in 2005, the company was renamed COPYRO, when it was endorsed by ORDA and the new statute of the organization. COPYRO exercises collective copyright management in the field of written works. http://www.orda.ro/default.aspx?pagina=68
• DACIN-SARA: The Society for Copyright in Cinematography and Audiovisual - The Society of Romanian Audiovisual Authors
The Society of Romanian Audiovisual Authors, manages the rights of Romanian authors in the audiovisual field, being authorized to operate by ORDA Decision no. 1/1997, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I no. 109 / 02.06.1997.
• UCMR - ADA: The Association for the Copyright of the Composers manages the rights of the authors of musical works, being advised to function through ORDA Decision no. 3/1997, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I no. 5 / 08.04.1997.
• CREDIDAM: Romanian Center for the Administration of the Rights of Performers
CREDIDAM manages the rights of the performers and functions as a collective management body starting with 19.09.1996, being approved by the ORDA Decision no. 4/1997, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I no. 57 of 04/04/1997.
• Establishment of the Cinematographic Fund, managed by the National Center for Cinematography. The Cinematographic Fund is dedicated to providing the financial means necessary for the development of the cinematographic activity and for fulfilling the attributions of the National Center for Cinematography.
The Joint Statement on "The Statute of Art Creators and Performers in Romania" was signed, a document adopted by the Romanian Ministry of Culture, together with representatives of eight national organizations of professional art and culture creators.
• UPFR: The Union of Phonograms Producers in Romania manages the rights of phonograms producers and is advised to operate on the basis of ORDA Decision no. 5/1997, published in the Official Monitor of Romania, Part I no. 121 / 03.23.1998.
The ECUMEST Association, resulting from the ECUMEST Program, starts to operate. During this period, the association has carried out numerous European programs, projects and activities in the field of cultural policies, professional development, promoting international cultural cooperation, supporting the cultural press as well as the mobility and creativity of young artists.
• The Council of Europe's MOSAIC (Managing an Open and Strategic Approach in Culture) program. The objectives of the program were to create a framework for exchanges and cooperation between the countries of South-Eastern Europe and to assist them in formulating cultural policies that meet the needs of transition, maintain cultural diversity, and also reform and implement the necessary legislative framework.
VISARTA : The collecting Society of copyright in the field of Visual Arts started to manage the rights of the authors of the visual arts, being approved by Decision No 8/1999 ORDA.
• UPFAR-ARGOA represents the producers of film and audiovisual in Romania - Romanian Association of audiovisual works manages the rights of the producers of audiovisual works, being approved by Decision No 9/1999 ORDA .
The Program Policies for Culture, program carried out in the South Eastern Europe, with the aim of contributing to the efficient cultural policies in the region by encouraging a participating process in designing, implementing and evaluating the politics.
The revision of the Romanian Constitution by Law no. 429/2003 with the inclusion of Article 33 - Access to culture. It provides that "(1) Access to culture is guaranteed, according to the law. (2) The freedom of the person to develop his spirituality and to access the values of the national and universal culture cannot be restricted. (3) The state must ensure the preservation of the spiritual identity, the support of the national culture, the stimulation of the arts, the protection and preservation of the cultural heritage, the development of the contemporary creativity, the promotion of the cultural and artistic values of Romania in the world ”.
According to GD 49/2003, the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs launches the first auction of cultural projects that will benefit from subsidies from the state budget, which is open not only to public institutions but also to associations, foundations and other non-profit NGOs.
ECUMEST: organizes the debates, meant to contribute to the definition of a strategy of cultural development of Romania in the long term, the debates addressing also aspects concerning the financing in culture and the status of the independent artists.
There is a proposal for a law on the organization and pursuit of the designer profession. It concerns the regulation of the way of exercising the profession of designer and the establishment of the Society of Professional Designers in Romania, as a form of independent, nonprofit, autonomous, apolitical and public organization. Not adopted.
Discussions between the cultural independent sector and the Minister of culture. The issues proposed by the representatives of the independent sector were: the creation of a specialized department in the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, with its own budget and specialized personnel, dedicated to the work with the independent sector; long-term financing (1, 2, or 4 years) of the programs proposed by NGOS; creation of a fund of mobility for cultural operators; the elimination of the guarantee for good implementation of the project that was 10 % from the whole value financed; creation of a status of the artist. The results of the meeting have resulted later in the setting up of the Mobility Fund, inclusion in the categories of eligible expenditures of the space rent, of the staff wages for NGOS during the projects, or expenditure for communications, etc., as well as the inclusion of contemporary art between the priorities of the Ministry of Culture. Another important initiative was the possibility of direct financing of projects initiated by independent artists that was lost in the following years because of the legislation changes.
• Introduction in the Fiscal Code of the provision according to which the persons have the possibility to direct 2% of income tax in the previous year to an NGO, a religious institution or association, as well as for the granting of private scholarships.
• The Ministry of CUlture set up the Fund of mobility for independent artists who were allowed to participate at four sessions per year until 2009, when the fund was dismantled because of budgetary reductions.
The Institute for Cultural Studies and Research is set up, which is independent from the Ministry of Culture and can finance NGOs and independent artists.
DPFR Association for the rights of producers of phonograms in Romania which manages the rights of producers of phonograms, being approved by ORDA Decision No 206/30.06.2006, published in the Official Gazette no. 589/07.07.2006.
• Methodology concerning the collection of the resale right shall be governed on the basis of the Protocol dated 28/07/2006 published in the Official Gazette, Part I, no. 712 of 18/08/2006 concerning the collection of the resale right
The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage invites cultural operators to talk: the creative guild rally is taking place, and AltArt offers the online platform culturalcultural.info as a complementary support for the debate among cultural operators.
• PERGAM: The Society of Romanian Authors and Publishers of Scientific Works manages the rights of authors and publishers of scientific work, being constituted as a collective management body by Decision no. 98/2009 of the Director General of O.R.D.A. (published in the Official Gazette, Part I No. 579 / 20.08.2009).
A law on the organization and exercise of the visual artist profession by UAP is proposed. The draft law regulates the way of exercising the visual artist profession and establishing the Society / Order of Visual Artists in Romania as a form of associative organization based on professional, independent, nonprofit, autonomous, apolitical and public interest. Not adopted.
The Independent Cultural Sector Coalition, a network of non-governmental cultural organizations, artists and cultural managers, is set up to support and promote the interests of the independent cultural sector in relation to public authorities. The Coalition offers views, recommendations, analyzes, and polls. He has entered into direct dialogue with the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN), the Romanian Cultural Institute (for the Cantemir Program) and the Ministry of Culture (and National Patrimony), and has contributed to modifying the AFCN Methodological Norms for cultural projects for the benefit of cultural operators.
The ANUC Board meets with Prime Minister Emil Boc and Government representatives to maintain "the artistic act of the quality and the necessary impact in an unfavorable period that the Romanian society is going through." Various measures are being discussed, including clarifying and correlating some issues regarding the application of the provisions of EGO 58/2010 on the taxation of copyright and related rights income and improving the collection of cultural stamps.
ARAIEX The Romanian Association for performers or executive performers started to manage the rights of performers, being authorized to function through ORDA Decision no. 99/2011, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 501 / 14.7.2011.
Victor Socaciu, deputy of the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD), submits to the Romanian Parliament the legislative proposal regarding the status of the artist in Romania, the execution of the artistic professions, as well as the establishment, organization and functioning of the Order of artists of Romania, rejected by the Parliament.
• Written Opera.ro(Operascrisa.ro): By the decision of the General Manager of ORDA no. 8 / 02.02.2012 was approved the constitution and functioning of the Copyright Management Society, havig as main
• UPVR - The Union of Producers of Videograms from Romania manages the rights belonging to the producers of videograms, being approved to operate by the ORDA Decision no. 280 / 09.11.2011, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I no. 11 / 06.01.2012.
• ORDA decision no. 3/2012, for amending the Decision of the general director of ORDA no. 280/2011 regarding the approval of the establishment and functioning of the UCAPM collective management body, was published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 76 of January 31, 2012.
• ARDAA: The Romanian Association for Audiovisual Rights has as its main activity the collective management of copyrights for audiovisual works, being notified to operate through ORDA Decision no. 13 / 28.3.2012.
• UNART- National Union of Artists in Romania - By ORDA Decision no. 41 / 28.03.2012 was approved the constitution and functioning, having as main object the collective management of the related rights belonging to the performers.
AOTO: The Orthodox Theological Association - ORDA 92 / 10.09.2014 AOTO: The Orthodox Theological Association - ORDA 92 / 10.09.2014 approved the establishment and functioning as a collective body of author's rights to written works in the theological, scientific and info-educational field
SOPFIA: The Film and Broadcasting Society's main activity is the collective management of copyright and related rights of producers of cinematographic works and other audiovisual works, being approved by the ORDA Decision no. 94 / 29.09.2015
The Ministry of Culture, headed by Vlad Alexandrescu, proposes to organize a Platform for Dialogue with the Civil Society, under the name of the "Living Culture" Platform. Several NGOs with cultural-related activities participate in the discussions. Also, a memorandum was issued aimed at finding a consensus for the adoption of the Artist's Statute
The Flower Power Cultural Association (ACFP) starts the "Alternative Culture" project, where it prepares a public policy proposal on the Artist Status in Romania.
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