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Press Release "Alternative Culture" August 2018 - Regional Debate Events

Operational Programme Administrative Capacity 2014-2020

Priority Axis 1: Effective Public Administration and Judiciary System

Specific Objective 1.1: Developing and Introducing Common Systems and Standards in Public Administration that optimize decision-making processes to become friendly to the citizens and business environment, in Accordance with SCAP (Strategy for the Consolidation of the Public Administration).

ALTERNATIVE CULTURE, Contract no. 84 / 29.03.2018, SIPOCA Code 345, MySMIS Code 110829.

Between September and October 2018, eight regional debate events will take place within the "Alternative Culture" project. They will continue to support the involvement of representatives of non-profit organizations, social partners, relevant public authorities and institutions and the media in the eight development regions at local, regional and national decision-making processes. The events will take place in Târgu Jiu, Târgovişte, Constanţa, Timişoara, Braşov, Iaşi, Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest.Representatives of all institutions and NGOs in the cultural area are therefore expected to have a two-hour meeting in each of these cities, a meeting where they will be able to share opinions, comments, ideas about a public policy on the socio-professional status of the artist in Romania.

Evenimentele regionale de dezbatere vor avea loc în următoarele locații:
7 September 2018, 10.00-12.00, Târgu JiuNational Tourist Information and Promotion Center, Str. Crişan nr. 3
11 September 2018, 12.00-14.00 Tony Bulandra TheaterBd King Carol I no. 43
September 18, 2018, 12.00-14.00 Museum of National History and Archeology ConstantaPainted Aula Hall, Ovidiu Square no. 12
October 2, 2018, 10.00-12.00 Embassy - Casa Plai, Str. Anton Seiller, no. 2
October 5, 2018, 11.00-13.00 Brasov County History Museum Piata Sfatului nr. 30
October 12, 2018, 10.00-12.00 National University of Arts "George Enescu" IasiCuza-Voda, no. 29
October 17, 2018, 11.00-13.00 Art Museum Cluj-NapocaUnirii Square, no. 30
31 October 2018, 11.00-13.00 Casa Filipescu Cesianu Bucharest Museum, attic, Calea Victoriei nr. 151


Participants' entries can be made on-line, on the Alternative Culture website, on the

The "Alternative Culture" project was selected for funding under the 2014-2020 Administrative Capacity Operational Program and is co-funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund. . This program aims to create a modern public administration capable of facilitating socio-economic development through competitive public services, investment and quality regulation, thus contributing to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy.

The project team is now at the start of the series of regional debates to develop social dialogue, grouped into two series: debates addressed to public institutions, NGOs and various other categories of cultural operators, coordinated by the public policy co-ordinator, Oana Năsui, and debates addressed to artists from various cultural areas, coordinated by stage-director Adriana Zaharia.

"One of the key points of the" Alternative Culture "project is the assumption in the activities of participatory democracy tools: debates, workshops, interviews, questionnaires, forums, social networks, through which to identify some horizontal societal problems regarding the socio-professional status of the artist in today's Romania.

Although such close documentation is initially heterogeneous and cumbersome, its centralization, analysis and synthesis provides valuable information to find opportunities and solutions in Romanian legislative and administrative areas; on the one hand, opportunities by bringing to light of already existing but unknown facilities for artists and workers in the expanded cultural field and on the other hand viable and feasible solutions in the current social and political context.

The debates in the seven development regions are proposed as open meetings in which artists, private profit and non-profit private representatives, cultural institutions and representatives of local, regional and central authorities can address opinions and comments, can offer information and possible solutions to punctual problems, all in the direction of bringing together certain rights and obligations, applied to the artist as a valuable contributor to the Romanian society.

The gathering of this information, combined with other types of analyzes, qualitative and quantitative, perception or structure, from the beneficiaries or the ministries in question, will allow the shaping and formulation of a cultural public policy, which is later proposed for implementation to the authorities ", explains Oana Nasui, coordinator of public policy proposals within the "Alternative Culture" project.


"Alternative Culture" has started with two stages of research: Qualitative Study on Good Public Policy Practices in the Cultural Field - Statute of Independent Artist in Five European Countries by Corina Andrei - Sociologist, Doctor of Political Sciences and Open Perception Survey in the form of a questionnaire, on the project website, The analysis of the questionnaire will provide data on how artists and cultural operators in Romania perceive at this time their situation in society, their rights and obligations, and was conducted by Ionela Şufaru, a sociologist and political science expert.

The results of the two studies are summarized in the first three on-line webinars of the project. These can be tracked on the Alternative Culture Socialization page,


All those involved in cultural or artistic activities, whether NGOs, hired or independent artists, are invited to complete the online questionnaire by the end of the project. On www.statutulartistului.roall those interested are expected to join and participate in the project.

Defining an artist's status in Romania can not be done without the involvement of all those who can contribute to data collection and problem-solving and possible solutions, without communicating with all local and central administrative institutions, to identify levers of intervention to a better management of the current situation of independent artists.

The "Alternative Culture" project is initiated and developed by the Flower Power Cultural Association, whose mission is to create projects and programs that support the activities of young artists, the real communication between them and the other institutions and entities that can support or contribute to the development of their projects and to support the involvement of artists in various fields: education, vocational training, cultural events, formulating of cultural policies adapted to the international cultural context.


"Alternative Culture" is a project supported by TVR, RFI, Radio Romania Cultural, Cultural Observatory, Romania Liberă and National Commission of Romania for UNESCO.


Regional debating meetings are organized in partnership with: Târgu Jiu City Hall, National Tourist Information and Promotion Center Târgu Jiu, Cluj County Council, National Tourist Information and Promotion Center Cluj, Art Museum from Cluj Napoca, Brasov County Historical Museum , Bucharest Museum, Filipescu Cesianu House, Constanta National Museum of History and Archeology, George Enescu National University of Arts in Iasi, "Tony Bulandra" Theater Targoviste, Embassy.


Contacts "Alternative Culture" project's representatives:


Social Pages


Project Manager

Daniela Apostol

Communication Responsible, President of the Flower Power Cultural Association

Anca Roxana Constantin van der Zee

Online enrollment page for Regional Debate Meetings: