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Analysis of the field of cultural and spectacular activities (SUMMARY)
Operational Programme Administrative Capacity 2014-2020 Priority Axis 1: Effective Public Administration and Judiciary System Specific Objective 1.1: Developing and Introducing Common Systems and Standards in Public Administration that optimize decision-making processes to become friendly to the citizens and business environment, in Accordance with SCAP (Strategy for the Consolidation of the Public Administration). ALTERNATIVE CULTURE, Contract no. 84 / 29.03.2018, SIPOCA Code 345, MySMIS Code 110829. What does the field of cultural and performance activities mean in terms of workforce and income? Where is this economic sector compared to other economic sectors in terms of the two parameters: labor force and income? To these questions, we sought answers in the official data available at the National Institute of Statistics in order to have a support, a starting point which, together with the results of the survey of artists / creators and cultural operators conducted within the Project, to substantiate and shape a public policy regarding the status of the artist in Romania. Thus, data on employment and gross average earning in cultural and entertainment activities were selected compared to three other major branches of the economy: industry, another major service area - trade, and the ITC sector which in recent years was considered a protected area by the plus-value it brings and supported, consequently, by government policies. The rationale for the selection of these economic sectors has been the fact that industry is the main contributor to GDP (about 23%) and the area where the largest share of the employed, the second largest contributor to GDP (around 20%) and the sector services with the largest share of the labor force. We also introduced in the analysis the ITC sector, which, although contributing about 6% to GDP and almost double the labor force compared to cultural and performing activities (about 4% of GDP), has been a decalter in the last years of strategic field and , in addition, has some intercourse with the cultural sector, many ITC professionals being assimilated to the "creators". This analysis therefore seeks to illustrate any differences, in particular as regards the status of the employee, the employee versus the self-employed, but also the salary gains, and determine to what extent a set of regulations / policies and a a specific approach to the field of cultural and entertainment activities, starting from the premise that in a global world and in a country which increasingly feels lack of labor and the need to import labor from other countries, the emigration of over 4 million active people left to work across borders, keeping national identity by culture must be a national security element. (...)